My name is Kathryn Hay and my life is devoted to the unique and indefinable breed: The Tibetan Mastiff.
I welcome you to this site which is a celebration of 'the family"!
For many years I have been on a journey with my dogs and I look forward to many more years of opening my eyes, clearing my mind and really listening to all these special dogs have to teach me.
The Tibetan Mastiff is truly the most unique breed I have ever had the pleasure to attempt to understand!!
They are impressive, imposing, interesting and at times infuriating! But they are exactly the way they should be!
They are a dog like no other and one has to be a special kind of person to share their lives with those of this breed.
This is not an animal who should be changed or altered to fit our ideal… but instead an opportunity to learn what love and mutual respect with a dog actually feels like.
Time, effort and understanding is what it takes to get the most out of your relationship with your Tibetan Mastiff, but the rewards… well hopefully one day you will feel and experience those for yourselves. I only hope you do!
Similarly, time, adequate research and caution is what it takes to find a reputable breeder. A breeder needs to be a member of their State's Canine Association and the ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council). But more than that you should either have your breeder highly recommended to you or go with an established breeder with very sound ethical practices.
This is not only essential to ensure your dog is not a cross bred dog, but also that you receive a pure bred TM which actually looks like the Tibetan Mastiff you want. Finding the right breeder really is the most important step in the process because a good breeder is worth their weight in gold.
Majestic, magic and magnificent - this breed is all I could ask for and more.
I am so very honoured to share my life with them.
I am so proud to be asked to send my dogs to people and fellow breeders all around the World.
Kathryn Hay
A lover of animals, a big fan of dogs but someone
who truly admires this individual and noble breed The
Tibetan Mastiff.